中立網友:If you’re non-local (or non-Taiwanese for that matter), you’d probably have very different views from I do. I’m not here to deny the quality of products but the services provided by its shop staff. Perhaps unlike rather tame visitors, my asking for different (more traditional) packaging came across as too demanding. Or maybe purchase of 2 boxes was nothing. In any case, a business that aims to be a true service provider does not differentiate its services/attitude based on where the customers are from and how much the customers purchase. My best wishes to the shop as one of Taipei’s renowned landmarks, for now.
從以前就常到台北犁記買鳳梨酥禮盒給外國友人. 因為口味不錯, 包裝也有台灣在地味. 現在, 店家服務態度卻從往昔的謙謙有禮轉為今日令人不可置信的自大. 也許因為我買不夠多(兩盒)? 也許我要求過多?(想從一種盒子換為另一種送人時較為體面的樣式) 但我想無論如何, 一個號稱百年老店的台灣地標, 是不會給客人”要就買, 不買拉到”如此態度的. 這不會是台灣人對客人的態度.
如果選擇只對觀光客/外國人好(因為觀光客二話不說買一堆), 那真的要請店家三思. 若要長久下去, 畢竟還是需要在地人的支持吧. 台灣在地其他好吃的餅店也不少, 不是嗎? 若是同樣在好吃的情況下, 我會再選犁記嗎?
最後還是祝店家生意興隆, 畢竟, 目前還是算台北地標之一.