負評網友:1. The worst uni I’ve ever had. 海膽的品質差得不可思議。The manager apologized and waived the costs for the uni. 後來經理有跟我們道歉,並且將三盤海膽的錢都折掉。
2. Be careful with how much they charge you at the end. 千萬注意最後收了多少錢/盤子數。We had 42 plates plus all other items. However, the staff wrote 56 instead. 我們吃了42盤外加一些其他小菜什麼的,結果店員來結帳時,卻是紀錄56盤。Seriously? 56 vs 42 was a big variance. Not to mention, after the discount of uni, it was 36 plates in total. 認真嗎?56盤跟42盤差很多欸!而且折掉海膽後,事實上我們總共是36盤才對。
3. All other items we had were good. Unfortunately, generally speaking, we had a negative experience with this store. 其他食物都沒有什麼問題。可惜整體而言,我們在這家店的經驗很不好。