中立網友:❤️Instagram: eatyhoho.ed
(Eng version below)
情人節快樂❤️希望有另一半的朋友感情越來越好🥰 還沒有另一半的朋友 可以順利遇到喜歡的對象💕💕
這是我們去接種第三劑疫苗前 在診所附近隨意找的小吃店~
✨海南燒雞腿飯 $100
雞腿是炸過的 上面有蒜酥 底下還有高麗菜 配上青江菜跟飯是可以吃飽的 但是飯吃起來沒什麼薑黃味 顏色也染得不是很均勻 跟以往吃過的海南雞不太一樣🥲🥲
✨海鮮叻沙麵 $130
雖然顏色讓湯看起來很濃郁 但事實上湯的味道還蠻淡的😭 加上海鮮也不多 所以我們覺得這道不是非常划算 口味上算是微微的馬來風味😂
✨炸沙爹雞串 $60
必點‼️沙爹就很好吃耶 尤其是上面那一層咖哩顏色的醬‼️ 算是跟印象中的味道類似 而且價格也不貴 我們超喜歡❤️❤️
✨紅咖哩醬印度煎餅 $70
煎餅吃起來是酥皮濃湯的酥皮味道 儘管跟馬來料理的Roti canai還是略有不同 但是沾醬的紅咖哩卻很好吃 味道也算道地 所以是一個有點難給定論的餐點🤣
🪞總結:我們覺得如果不考慮“馬來風味” 這4個字的話 整體來說CP值算是高的 不會太貴 適合偶爾想換換口味 但不想花太多預算的朋友👍👍 不過如果把”馬來風味“納入考慮 那其實表現就不是太好 因為餐點都是跟馬來西亞有點沾到邊 但味道又不完全一樣 所以如果真的是想體驗馬來料理的朋友就再斟酌一下😅
Happy Valentine’s Day💓 Best wishes to all ppl who are in relationship😍 and may the ones that haven’t had a partner could find it soon❤️
This place is around our booster clinic and was found randomly😂
✨Hainanese Chicken thigh Rice $80
Fried chicken thigh with cabbage in the bottom and fried garlic crisp on top. The yellow rice is tasteless and not any turmeric flavor🥲 But I still get bloated in the end🤣
✨Seafood laksa noodles $130
Though the soup looks rich but tastes really plain and with little seafood inside. Laksa flavor is quite bland😭
✨Satay sticks $60
Must order this‼️We love the satay and its curry paste, this meal is similar to the local Malaysian food and cheap😍
✨Roti canai with red curry paste $70
This roti canai is made of pastry which is not identical with the one in Malaysia🤣 However, the red curry is great and similar to local dish😂👍🏻
10% service fee charged: ❌
🪞Summary: This shop is good enough with its reasonable cost if we ignore the title of “Malaysian foods” and is suitable for anyone who wants to have an exotic food for a change but with not much budget.😆 😆 i.e. we will not recommend to ppl would like to enjoy the local flavors😚